interest rate sensitive

interest rate sensitive
фин., банк. = interest-sensitive

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "interest rate sensitive" в других словарях:

  • Interest Rate Sensitivity — A measure of how much the price of a fixed income asset will fluctuate as a result of changes in the interest rate environment. Securities that are more sensitive will have greater price fluctuations than those with less sensitivity. This type of …   Investment dictionary

  • rate sensitive — The exposure of either the bank s earnings or its market value to fluctuations caused by changes in prevailing interest rates. American Banker Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • Interest Sensitive Stock — Any stock with a price that is extremely sensitive to changes in interest rates. Interest sensitive stocks are shares that will see large price changes relative to small movements in the risk free rate. Stocks with large betas, which gauge a… …   Investment dictionary

  • Interest Sensitive Assets — Assets held by a bank that are vulnerable to changes in interest rates. This change can occur either when the asset matures or when it is repriced according to an index rate. The value of these assets is adjusted according to the rise or fall of… …   Investment dictionary

  • Interest Sensitive Liabilities — Any type of short term deposit held by a bank that pays a variable rate of interest to the customer. Interest sensitive liabilities make up a significant amount of the assets of most banks. These liabilities include money market certificates,… …   Investment dictionary

  • interest-sensitive stock — stocks whose earnings are dependent upon and change with the interest rate, e.g., bank stocks. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • Net interest income — (NII) is the difference between revenues generated by interest bearing assets and the cost of servicing (interest burdened) liabilities. For banks, the assets typically include commercial and personal loans, mortgages, construction loans and… …   Wikipedia

  • Net Interest Income — All firms can divide the balance sheet into assets and liabilities. For banks the assets are commercial and personal loans, mortgages, construction loans and securities. The liabilities are deposits from customers. The net interest income (NII)… …   Wikipedia

  • Residual Interest Bonds - RIBS — A type of inverse floating rate bond created by dividing the income from a municipal bond into two portions. The municipal bondholder will create two new securities: a primary direct floating rate bond and a residual inverse floating rate bond.… …   Investment dictionary

  • federal funds rate — The rate of interest charged for the use of federal funds. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The rate for which overnight federal funds are traded. American Banker Glossary The interest rate that banks with excess reserves at a Federal Reserve (… …   Financial and business terms

  • Net Interest Income — The difference between the revenue that is generated from a bank s assets and the expenses associated with paying out its liabilities. A typical bank s assets consist of all forms of personal and commercial loans, mortgages and securities. The… …   Investment dictionary

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